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Jan. 11 2017
Why doesn’t it stay the same? Because Facebook is constantly adjusting their algorithm to keep consumer engaged
Jan. 10 2017
Happy New Year! Anyone else wondering where 2016 went? For myself, I am kind of wondering where the last two years went
Jan. 3 2017
My kids went back to school today after their Christmas vacation, but our other Christmas break is still going. Our other Christmas break is a six-week break from calving
Dec. 16 2016
We all have those days where nothing seems to go right on the farm, especially during the harsh winter months
Dec. 13 2016
For myself, my definition of my tribe is the people in my inner circle. “A distinctive close-knit group” as the dictionary describes it
Dec. 9 2016
Recently, I received a dairy product promotion email. The title was “How do nut milks compare to cow’s milk? First of all, stop calling it nut milk! It is nut juice or beverage or drink
Dec. 8 2016
“I want aggressive eaters.” This phrase earned me some questionable looks as I explained to fellow students what I looked for while feeding calves
calf with blanket
Dec. 6 2016
Winter is here in Minnesota and that means I’ve been digging winter clothes out of storage . . . snow pants for the kids and calf coats for the calves. But I left my long underwear in storage
Nov. 29 2016
The sun shined through the stream of pressurized water as I sprayed out the parlor, creating a perfect mini rainbow. How many times had I done the same task and not noticed the beautiful prism?
Nov. 23 2016
In my last blog post, “Simple social media for a busy farmer (hotlink to past post), I explained why it was important that you engage your consumers through social media
Nov. 22 2016
“We don’t have any flunixin,” Emily said. “It’s on backorder. I’m sorry."“What?” I asked, not wanting to believe what she said and half hoping that I hadn’t...
Nov. 15 2016
This past year in the dairy industry has been tough. The rollercoaster ride of this life can sometimes take a heavy toll on your view and attitude
jade grazing
Nov. 8 2016
It’s November 8. Most Americans are celebrating the long-awaited end of the political campaign season
Twin Brook Creamery
Nov. 1 2016
I’m sure we are all familiar with the age-old saying, “Were you born in a barn?” The original meaning of the phrase traces to an exclamation of one literally leaving the door open
Oct. 25 2016
Flip through any dairy publication and you’re sure to find a number of ads promoting products that claim to improve dairy cows’ health and well-being
Oct. 18 2016
Let’s be honest, Mother Nature can be one of a dairy farmer’s worst enemies. The unpredictable power and ability to literally make or break us, gives us a great amount of respect
Oct. 11 2016
With lights dimmed, spotlights shone on seven exceptional cows as they entered the Coliseum for the presentation of 2016 World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion. Each beautiful cow represented the bes
Oct. 8 2016
The Jacobs Family of Cap-Santé, Quebec, have been selected by the Klussendorf Association as the eighth recipient of the Robert “Whitey” McKown Master Breeder Award
World Dairy Expo
Oct. 3 2016
While all eyes in the dairy industry turn to World Dairy Expo this week, my gaze will be from a distance. This time of year I feel the pull of the 2,010 miles (not that I’m counting or anything)
Sept. 27 2016
Sometimes heifers bellow for a reason. One group of heifers wouldn’t stop bellowing